Annual Assessment of $100 is due 3/1 of each year for homeowners that backup to either retention pond.

Annual Assessment of $100 is due 3/1 of each year for homeowners that backup to either retention pond.

Pay BY Check

Please mail this completed FORM and a check for $130 (60 day late fee added 5/1) payable to

Timberline Valley South HOA

PO Box 6494

Champaign, IL 61826-6494

Pay with paypal

Please return this completed FORM by email and SEND $130 online using PayPal. (60 day late fee added 5/1)

Annual assessment of $50 is due 3/1 of each year for homeowners that do not backup to either retention pond.

Annual assessment of $50 is due 3/1 of each year for homeowners that do not backup to either retention pond.

Pay by Check

Please mail this completed FORM and a check for $65 (60 day late fee added 5/1) payable to

Timberline Valley South HOA

PO Box 6494

Champaign, IL 61826-6494

Pay with paypal

Please return this completed FORM by email and SEND $65 online using PayPal. (60 day late fee added 5/1)